Surrogate mothers in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian war with Russia many Ukrainian surrogate mothers have found themselves in an impossible position. They have been caught up in a humanitarian catastrophe and many surrogacy agencies, not expecting Russia to invade, hadn’t made contingency plans to properly support their surrogate mothers. It is a heart-breaking dilemma for surrogates and the parents to be.
Read more about the difficulties faced by Ukrainian surrogates in the below article published in ‘The Guardian’ (10 Mar 2022).
‘Will the babies be left in a war zone?’
The terrified Ukrainian surrogates
– and the parents waiting for their children (Sirin Kale, Mar 2022)
A follow-on point regarding this is the growing alarm surrounding the ethics and scale of commercial child-bearing industry in Ukraine. Read a second article from the Guardian which discusses this further.
The stranded babies of Kyiv and the women who give birth for money
Lockdown exposed the scale of the commercial baby business in Ukraine, and now women hired for their wombs are speaking out (Oksana Grytsenko, Jun 2020)