Cycle Monitoring

What is cycle monitoring?

Cycle monitoring in gynecology is a process of closely monitoring a woman’s menstrual cycle to evaluate the timing and progression of ovulation. This monitoring is usually done for women who are trying to conceive, or for those who are undergoing fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

The process of cycle monitoring typically involves regular monitoring of hormone levels (such as estrogen and progesterone) through blood tests, as well as imaging techniques such as transvaginal ultrasound. This helps doctors to determine the optimal time for conception, and to monitor the growth and development of the follicles in the ovaries.

Cycle monitoring can also help to identify any potential issues with ovulation or follicular development, such as irregular cycles or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and to adjust the treatment plan accordingly. Overall, cycle monitoring is an important tool in gynecology that can help women to achieve a successful pregnancy.

Cycle Monitoring

What happens in a normal menstrual cycle?

A normal menstrual cycle in a female typically lasts for 28 to 35 days and involves a complex interplay of hormones and physiological changes that occur in the body. Here are the general phases and events that occur during a normal menstrual cycle:


Menstrual cycle icon

  1. Menstrual phase
    This phase typically lasts for 3-7 days and marks the beginning of the menstrual cycle. During this phase, the uterus sheds its lining, which results in the discharge of blood and tissue from the vagina.
  2. Follicular phase
    This phase follows the menstrual phase and lasts for around 10-14 days. During this phase, the pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates the growth of several follicles in the ovaries. Each follicle contains an immature egg.
  3. Ovulatory phase
    This phase occurs around day 14 of the menstrual cycle and lasts for 24-36 hours. During this phase, the mature follicle ruptures, releasing the mature egg (ovum) into the fallopian tube, which can be fertilized by sperm if intercourse occurs.
  4. Luteal phase
    This phase occurs after ovulation and lasts for around 14 days. During this phase, the empty follicle that released the egg becomes a corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone. Progesterone helps thicken the uterine lining in preparation for a possible pregnancy.
  5. Menstrual phase (again)
    If the egg is not fertilized and pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum will eventually break down, leading to a drop in progesterone levels. This drop in hormone levels triggers the shedding of the uterine lining, marking the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

This process repeats every month unless pregnancy occurs.

How common are menstrual cycle disorders?

Menstrual cycle disorders are relatively common and can affect a woman’s reproductive health and quality of life. The exact prevalence of menstrual cycle disorders varies depending on the specific condition and the population studied.

Here are some of the most common menstrual cycle disorders:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – a common hormonal disorder that affects up to 10% of women of reproductive age. It is characterized by irregular periods, ovarian cysts, and high levels of androgens (male hormones) in the body.
  • Amenorrhea – the absence of menstrual periods. Primary amenorrhea, which refers to a lack of periods by age 16, affects about 1% of women. Secondary amenorrhea, which refers to the absence of periods for three or more months in a woman who previously had regular menstrual cycles, affects up to 5% of women.
  • Dysmenorrhea – the medical term for painful menstrual periods. It is estimated that 45-95% of women experience some form of dysmenorrhea during their reproductive years.
  • Menorrhagia – heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. It is estimated to affect up to 30% of women.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) –  a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the days leading up to menstruation. It is estimated that up to 85% of women experience at least one symptom of PMS.
Cycle Monitoring

It is important to note that many menstrual cycle disorders can be effectively diagnosed and treated with medical interventions, such as hormonal therapy or surgery, depending on the underlying cause.

Cycle disorders are probably the most common problem of any age and are often treated in the wrong way or with over-the-counter medication. This often results in masking the problem and wasting the woman’s reproductive time.

At Life Clinic we primarily focus on the cause and diagnosis of the problem, in order to provide the best possible advice and efficient treatment.

Cycle Monitoring
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