Worldwide decline of IVF birth rates and industrialization of IVF clinics

Shouldn’t we be expecting year-on-year rises in IVF birth rates globally, given the constant advances in assisted reproduction techniques and technology?
This, sadly, does not seem to be the case. IVF birth rates worldwide are actually declining and are reaching new low levels not seen since 1996. But why?
An article published in the Human Reprod Open journal (Worldwide decline of IVF birth rates and its probable causes, 2019 ) investigates this downward trend. Two possible causes presented include the ‘industrialization of IVF clinics’ where the smaller private practices are being been replaced by an investor-driven fertility industry and the ‘commoditization of IVF clinics’ where they are becoming more driven by profits rather than successful IVF outcomes.
Worldwide decline of IVF birth rates and its probable causes
[Abstract] With steadily improving pregnancy and live birth rates, IVF over approximately the first two and a half decades evolved into a highly successful treatment for female and male infertility, reaching peak live birth rates by 2001-2002. Plateauing rates, thereafter, actually started declining in most regions of the world. […]
Read the full article here.
Journal: Hum Reprod Open Journal
Authors: Published by: PubMed
Date: Aug 8 2019